I've just returned from two weeks in Kerrville, Texas where I took a break from architecture in order to volunteer with the medical staff for Texas Lions Camp. My fiancée and I served alongside 60+ medical volunteers and the countless other staff that run the camp operations for over 400 campers with Type 1 Diabetes. Our med staff responsibilities included educating campers about their diabetes management and checking the campers' blood sugar levels before each meal, during activities, at bedtime, and at midnight. This was a new experience for me (and in the beginning I was way out of my comfort zone!) but I had a great time working with some amazing people and I learned so much.
Med Team "D" (photo taken right before we began our nightly midnight blood sugar checks)
Nightly Med Staff Meeting in the Infirmary
2016 Medical Staff from all across the state. Many have volunteered for 5+ years!
Texas Lions Camp provides a summer camp experience at no charge to children with medical conditions (and they have been doing so since 1949!). Some of the activities include archery, horseback riding, swimming, ropes, and of course a camp out under the stars. The entire camp is fully accessible and staffed by some of the greatest people I've ever met. Find out more about the camp here.
Melissa and me at "Inspiration" camp ground - the highest elevation at camp